A Terrific Kid Mends my Gloomy Day

In a classroom filled with vibrant energy and diverse personalities, all the young scholars bring a different colour to the room. But let’s talk about this one student of mine, Timmy, a modest kid with an enormous heart and high-spirited persona.

It was a drearier than usual Monday. The weekend seemed to have organized a grand party for stress and worry which had taken a toll on me. Rainy days and Mondays weren’t helping either. However, our school adheres to a strict policy of not letting personal issues interfere with our work. Henceforth, I wore my best smile and entered the most energetic class of seventh-graders.

Our topic that day in the class was ‘Fractions,’ a mathematical concept that usually meets with a great deal of groans and restless squirming. I could see the gloomy expressions mirroring my inner state.

The teaching went on, but the environment felt heavy, and it was almost like each minute was dragging. Suddenly, Timmy, often reserved and shy, timidly raised his hands.

“Yes, Timmy,” I urged him to proceed. He stood up from his desk and said,” Mrs. Smith, can I share a joke?”

I felt a spark of curiosity, so I gave him permission. He said,” Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven eight (ate) nine!”

Although a simple, innocent joke, it stirred a riot of laughter in the class. The dull, bored expressions suddenly transformed into joyous ones, all laughing at this innocent humour. The once gloomy Monday felt cheerful. The engagement and interest of the students in the class from then were remarkable. Even if it was just fractions, the students seemed to have gathered a lot of enthusiasm.

The atmosphere became lighter, and my gloomy day turned out to be one of my best teaching days. Timmy, the terrific kid, unknowingly mended my day with his innocent joke. This encounter made me realize the strength of humour and positivity in teaching.

Looking forward to many such experiences,
Mrs. Smith.


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